Talk Title: Inference in Causal Probabilistic Programs via Non-Standard Execution
This talk will introduce mechanisms for inference in the emerging paradigm of causal probabilistic programming, and simulation-based inference in general. First, Dr. Tavares will introduce ChiRho, a new system for automated and semi-automated causal inference, probabilistic inference, and arbitrary combinations thereof, within complex simulation models. Second, he will introduce parametric inversion, a theoretical and algorithmic framework for inverting non-injective, and hence non-invertible, programs. Parametric inversion executes programs in reverse, and in doing so points towards a new direction of inference methods in simulation models. Finally, he will discuss non-standard program execution as the common thread between these projects as well as a larger trend of inference methods that inspect and manipulate the structure of simulation models for inference. Non-standard interpretation changes the meaning of simulation models, and in doing so, acts as an advanced interface to new kinds of inference methods.
Zenna Tavares
Zenna Tavares is an Associate Research Scientist in both the Data Science Institute and the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. He is the first joint hire between two university-level institutes at Columbia University. Zenna’s research aims to understand how humans reason, that is, how they come to derive knowledge from observing and interacting with the world. He also constructs computational and statistical tools that help advance his work on causal reasoning, probabilistic programming and other areas. Prior to Columbia University he was at MIT, where he received a PhD in Cognitive Science and Statistics and was a Postdoctoral Research researcher in the Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL). Zenna’s work has received significant recognition including an International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for Outstanding Foreign Students.